FUMARE LOU-CHAN: the king of feet
“I love Japan more than anything.. except for being stepped on by women.” Take a look at the strange world of Brooklyn native ‘Lou-chan’ who has amassed over 26,000 followers via his highly public foot fetish.

TOMIYASU HAYAHISA: four years of human oddity around a ping pong table
Tomiyasu Hayahisa obsessively documented the bizarre actions of Leipzig residents around a ping pong table for 4 years straight

IZUMI MIYAZAKI: modern japanese surrealism
Izumi Miyazaki’s humorous self portraits began on Tumblr and grew into an internationally acclaimed surrealist exploration of self

KIMIKO NISHIMOTO: Japan’s absurdist obasan
Kimiko Nishimoto is more than just a quirky obasan - she’s an instagram sensation showing that those in their 90’s can still stay relevant in the social media age
PROVOKE (プロヴォーク) was an experimental and countercultural Japanese photography zine founded in 1968 with the subtitle “Provocative Materials for Thought”
TOKYO RUMANDO: I’m Only Happy When I’m Naked
Tokyo Rumando is a provocative, self-taught photographer who originally cut her teeth as a model for Daido Moriyama and Nobuyoshi Araki
Seiji Kurata (1945-2020) was one of the most highly acclaimed Japanese photographers of the modern era - shining a light on the seedy underbelly of Tokyo’s inner city
Manabu Koga is an innovative Japanese photographer creating incredible results through a combination of his experience in underwater photography and his passion for mecha
DAIDO MORIYAMA: Japan’s King of Street Photography
Born in Osaka in 1938, Daido Moriyama is renowned for his subversive and gritty style that has come to define modern day Japanese street photography